Elementary Education Explorers. Curriculum Development. Teaching Resources for Classroom and Home Coaching.
Online Course
January 5 - June 13, 2026
Headlines of Curriculum Development For Elementary Education I. Language Arts
A. Reading
1. Phonics and word recognition
2. Comprehension skills
3. Vocabulary development
B. Writing
1. Handwriting and spelling
2. Composition and grammar
3. Creative and expository writing
C. Speaking and listening skills
II. Mathematics
A. Numeracy and number sense
B. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
C. Geometry and spatial reasoning
D. Measurement and data analysis
E. Problem-solving and critical thinking
III. Science
A. Life sciences
B. Earth sciences
C. Physical sciences
D. Scientific inquiry and experimentation
IV. Social Studies
A. United States history and geography
B. World history and geography
C. Civics and government
D. Economics
E. Cultural diversity and global perspectives
V. Physical Education and Health
A. Physical fitness and sports activities
B. Health education and personal wellness
VI. Fine Arts
A. Visual arts
B. Music
C. Theater and performing arts
VII. Technology and Digital Literacy
A. Basic computer skills
B. Internet safety and digital citizenship
C. Information literacy
VIII. Foreign Language (varies by school/district
Please note that this is a general outline, and specific curriculum details may vary depending on the school, state, or district.